We are able to do amazing things for our students thanks to the generous support of our donors and supporters.

Each year, hundreds of our students receive many hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships because of our alumni and friends of the school. In addition, our industry partners contribute significantly in terms of time, treasure and talent to help ensure that our graduates get the best education and pursue successful careers.

As we approach the traditional Season of Giving, each of us at the UNT Mayborn School wishes to express our heartfelt "thank you."

If you are interested in helping to support the Mayborn School, we have some areas where there is need.

Freshmen/Transfer Scholarships
With the help of a gracious donor, we raised $75,000 for a new scholarship that will serve incoming freshmen and transfer students. We are looking for a match of $75,000 to fund this endeavor. The Mayborn School currently has few scholarships for incoming freshmen and transfer students. This creates a hole in our ability to recruit fantastic students out of high school and community colleges. This scholarship could be the difference between coming to the Mayborn or going somewhere else. Please help us support those students who know they want to be a part of the Mayborn, but may be limited financially.

Internship & Professional Growth Fund
This fund is for students who register for an internship, but are unable to pursue it due to financial obstacles. The internship may be unpaid or in another city, therefore making the internship cost prohibitive. This fund will be awarded to students to help offset costs. The school recognizes the value of practical experience and wants all students to be able to have financial peace of mind when they take an internship.

The Dean's Excellence Fund
This fund allows the school to respond quickly to areas of greatest need. While always keeping the mission of the school in mind, this fund can be used in such varied ways as student travel, scholarships, equipment, and business and alumni outreach. A gift here also allows us to capitalize on teaching or research "moments" that would not only continue to grow our reputation and service to the industries, but more importantly, help support our students.

Give online now

For other areas to give, including research and naming opportunities, please visit our page that gives other ways you can support the Mayborn.
