North Texas Daily
The student newspaper for the University of North Texas covers a variety of topics relevant to both students & area residents.

NT Daily TV
Official student news source of the University of North Texas. Celebrating over 100 years in print. Digital first publication with NTDaily News, NtDaily Radio, North Texas Daily newspaper, and updated on all social medial platforms. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or our web site:

Students Working On Our Profession, or SWOOP, is a student-run ad agency founded at the University of North Texas by Dr. Sheri Broyles and Bill Ford. We hire students on a semester-long basis to do real work for real clients for real money. The money received from our clients goes directly toward scholarships and awards for students.

Hatch Visuals
Hatch Visuals is a nonprofit, student-led photo agency at the University of North Texas that's offered photography services to the DFW community. From photography services to event coverage, HATCH helps educate and train up and coming student photographers.

Gravitas is an organization that prepares students for careers in advertising. During our meetings, we show you everything from how to build a rockstar resume to how to land an internship.

Denton Community TV
The Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism operates the City of Denton's public access channel, Denton Community Television (DCTV). The station provides a media outlet for information and diverse points of view from the citizens of Denton on Charter Cable Channel 191 and Frontier FIOS Channel 39.