Video, Broadcast and Multimedia Journalism
Students interested in careers in broadcast media—such as broadcast news reporters, writers and producers—enroll in the school’s broadcast and digital journalism concentration. You will learn to cover a news “beat,” shoot video and stills, and edit using non-linear editing systems. You also learn to appear on camera, to do live reporting and anchoring, and to produce content for on air and online, including newscasts and webcasts.
Curriculum Overview
Foundations Courses
- Mass Communication and Society - Learn the principles of mass communication including historical, economic, social, ethical and legal factors influencing the operation and content of the mass media.
- Introduction to Media Writing - Explore the fundamentals of writing, reporting, and information gathering for a variety of journalism professions.
Skills Courses
- News Writing for Broadcast and Web - Practice of writing and editing for radio, television and web-based news. Topics include news judgement, script formats and style for radio, TV, and web news.
- Audio and Video Long Form Storytelling - Focuses on journalistic long-form audio/video storytelling. Includes brainstorming sessions, critiques, audio/video screenings and in-class work on projects.
- Digital Media for Journalists - Fast-paced course providing students principles and practice in using digital tools to report, write, blog and produce content in multiple platforms: print, online, social, broadcast and mobile. Includes focus on role and impact of digital-first thinking and technology on journalist’s news gathering and distribution.
Theory & Concepts Courses
- Comparative International Media Systems - Study of mass media throughout the world with special attention to how media institutions contribute to building democracy. Comparison of print and broadcast news systems, the sources and flow of international news and the challenges of globalism.
- Race, Gender and the Media: A Methods Approach - Students critically analyze media portrayals of race, gender, sexuality and class and learn to use scholarly research methods to evaluate them. Students examine historical and modern patterns in news media, advertising, television, film, video gaming, popular music, and other mass media.
- History of American Media: Main trends and economic, social, political and technological factors and people that produced the institutions and traditions of the American mass media; emphasis on the changing roles of media and the impact of new communications technologies in the 21st century.
The majority of Mayborn students participate in one or more of our student organizations, from agencies to media, all dedicated to specific areas of interest. Collectively, leaders from these groups come together to serve on the Mayborn's Student Council, a governing body that gives students the opportunity to work across disciplines and learn leadership.
Tour our facilities virtually, no matter where you are. Walk our halls with a guided tour, visit one of our Broadcast Studios, and see where our student producers and reporters work on real-time news assignments in our Broadcast News Lab.